The only 10 tools you need as a devops developer !

H Dev
3 min readJul 29, 2023


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Release Pipeline: CI/CD Tools

At the core of DevOps is the release pipeline, commonly known as a CI/CD pipeline. The most popular tool for this is Jenkins, but alternatives like GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, and CircleCI are also widely used. These tools help create automated release pipelines that run tests, build applications, perform various types of application scanning, and deploy to the end environment. They integrate with Git, Docker Registry, cloud platforms, and enable pipeline-as-code with Jenkinsfile.

Deployment Environment: Cloud Platforms

When deploying applications, we need a deployment environment. Cloud platforms like AWS provide virtual instances, security groups, and access to applications running on servers. They also offer server configuration options.

Application Packaging and Running: Docker

Docker has become the standard way of packaging and running applications. It packages software into containers that have everything the software needs to run, including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime. Docker simplifies the development and deployment process, allowing for quick deployment and scaling of applications into any environment.

Managing Dockerized Applications: Kubernetes

Docker made it easy to create and run applications, but managing large-scale deployments became challenging. Kubernetes, a container orchestration platform, comes to the rescue. It provides solutions for restarting failed applications, scaling and replicating microservices, running distributed applications like database clusters, and managing a network of containers across multiple servers. Kubernetes offers features like autohealing, autoscheduling, and easy scaling up and down.

Monitoring and Alerting: Prometheus

With large-scale deployments, manual monitoring and troubleshooting become impossible. Prometheus, a popular monitoring tool for Kubernetes, provides automatic monitoring and alerting. It uses data from logs to detect abnormal behavior, security attacks, or misconfigurations.

Infrastructure as Code: Terraform and Ansible

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) helps automate infrastructure setup and recovery. Tools like Terraform allow scripting the entire setup, including spinning up AWS resources and creating a Kubernetes cluster. Configuration management tools like Ansible help manage operating system-level tasks on Kubernetes worker nodes.

Code Editors and Collaboration: Visual Studio Code and Git

Writing code for pipelines, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and infrastructure scripts requires a code editor like Visual Studio Code. Collaboration with other engineers is essential, and knowledge of Git is necessary for version control and collaboration on code changes.

Linux and Command Line

Since many DevOps tools are based on Linux, knowledge of Linux and the command line interface is essential for working with tools like Docker and Kubernetes.

As you can see, building DevOps processes requires a combination of various tools and skills. Familiarity with these tools and their integration is crucial for successful DevOps implementation.

Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

DevOps Tools and Integration

In the world of DevOps, it is important to understand that the various tools and technologies need to be combined and used together. Simply knowing each tool individually is not enough; you also need to learn how to integrate these tools seamlessly. For example, you may need to deploy from Jenkins to a Kubernetes environment running on AWS, with AWS service integrations, all managed through Terraform. Additionally, you may want to build a CI/CD pipeline for the Terraform code stored in a Git repository. Even the Jenkins instances themselves can be containerized.

Learning these tools in isolation can be challenging, but the real challenge lies in combining them in a secure and properly configured manner, following industry best practices.

Feel free to share this with others who are interested in getting a short overview of DevOps tools. Additionally, we would love to hear from you in the comments about any interesting and exciting DevOps tools that you work with, beyond the ones mentioned here. Thank you for reading, shower some love via claps and do follow!



H Dev

just another X-shaped personality, love to learn and tinker with new tech.